I’m able to eat “real” food right now, but my throat is so f**king dry. For the past few days I’m only able to eat food with preservatives. It’s either that or I don’t eat anything at all. I have this thing about making decisions, when I can’t decide on where to go, what to do, (or what to eat for that matter); I don’t do (or eat) anything. When I feel that I am thinking too much (about a certain thing or problem), I shut down (kinda voluntary) and sleep.
We’re going to Laguna in a little while; we’re pushing with the outing despite the typhoon…cool.
I’ve wanted to write about this for quite a time now. Well, something happened that made me remember information given by our high school English teacher during one of our discussions: Wordsworth and Coleridge were like friends, but they opposed each other’s method in writing. For Coleridge, it was better to write at the “height of the emotion” because it is when we can capture the emotion best. Wordsworth, on the other hand, thinks otherwise; when we write at the height of the emotion, we tend to exaggerate or it will come out exaggerated. I think both writers have a point, but I’m more on Coleridge’s side. I think you can describe an emotion better if you’re still feeling it. It’s hard to imagine feeling a certain emotion, right? (What do you think jL?)