lick your elbow

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Blog-worthy enuf (I think) Random Memory No.2

I know it sounds corny but I can’t think of another way to introduce or specify this entry, anyway:

I have always been close to my girl friend’s boyfriends (due to lack of one on my part maybe, haha). During the course of time that they are or were together, I have always formed a bond with these guys not directly connected with me. One of those guys was my best friend’s ex-boyfriend. He was a Math major and I’m taking up Economics, so we got on pretty well because of numbers. He was also one of the few smokers in our group, so our cigarette breaks became our bonding moments. He’s easy to talk to and he’s such a great guy that when my friend decided to break up with him I also felt a loss.

This ex-boyfriend of a friend who eventually became my friend used to work where my mother used to work. It was a pretty far place, so he thought of a way (I really admire him for this) to save the money that he thinks is being wasted on transportation: a bike. He would pedal his way to work and back home, not intimidated by big trucks or reckless drivers accompanying him in highways. He would arrive at my friend’s house in his bicycle and they would circulate the neighborhood until their legs hurt from so much pedaling. When I was about to go home during one of my visits there, he volunteered to take me home with his bike. It’s only a short distance to our house, so just for the heck of it, I submitted to the suggestion. It’s becoming a bit late and there weren’t many vehicles in the area. It was also a bit windy I remember, and we were talking about casual stuff. He kept on asking me if I was nervous about his biking. I was not, in fact (and I didn’t realize it at that time, so I didn’t tell him) I was enjoying the ride. I regret not being able to tell him that that bike ride was special to me when I had the time. My friend and I decided to cut our connection with him because it’s just so awkward and it would be for the best.
Just to keep from ending this with a heavy note, this entry also brings to mind the fact that until now that I’m nearing 20, I still don’t know how to ride a bike. Shame.